Sunday, July 5, 2009

Back in the U.S.A.

I've been unable to Blog from China so it has been awhile since I have posted.  The whole family is back in the U.S. for our summer vacation, and enjoying seeing our family and friends, and eating our favorite foods!  We had to come all the way back to the U.S. so that Jin could go to Korean culture camp with other Korean adoptees!  Go figure.  The reunions between all the kids and their cousins are going great -- everyone is getting along better than ever and enjoying this precious time together.  After one week in Elmwood with Jeff's parents, we are now with my parents at Pine Lake.  The weather has been cool, but after a taste of summer in Shanghai, I am enjoying every cool breeze.  We have already been to the dollar store -- of course.  Still lots of adventures ahead.  We will be up here for just over a week, then back to Elmwood.  So far, living out of a suitcase is fine.